Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2189861 - Details and Condition for Planning on native HANA views

You want to use native HANA views modeled in VirtualProvider, CompositeProvider or InfoObject  for planning scenarios

Other Terms
BW-IP, Planning ,  PAK, HANA view

Reason and Prerequisites
You are at least on BW 7.4 SP9. You want to use native HANA views together for planning scenarios either in InfoObjects based own implementation of type HANA view or on virtual provider based on HANA views or with composite provider containing native HANA views. Since the HANA views are not controlled by BW, the values are not known on the BW layer and necessary default values or the fact that SID values exist in the corresponding SID tables cannot be ensured. In addition the HANA view itself has to guarantee that an initial value (internal representation) does exist. This includes also compounded info objects. Also no NULL values must be returned from the HANA views but have to be converted into the initial values. In general we do not recommend to use this widely as customer because if those prerequisite are not ensured it can cause errors in planning which are hard to be tracked. In general such scenarios are only adopted by application like SAP simplified financials or retail which work in close relationship with SAP BW to ensure the consistency in those specific scenarios.

  1. Ensure that no NULL values are returned from the HANA views but the type correct initial values (internal representation e.g. '00000000' for DATS, TIMS = '000000' and  NUMC = '000..' with length < 32). In case of errors always use user parameter RSPLS_HDB_PE_TRACE = Y and RSPLS_HDB_RUNMODE >= 8.
  2. Ensure that each master data view has to add the initial value for unassigned values '#' by itself. This includes in compounded cases also each combination of an unassigned '#' child and it parents.
    This can be achieved through having a transparent table in the SAP BW with the following structure:
    FIELD            KEY               DESCRIPTION
    LANGU         X                     Language Key
    NAME                                   General Name
    TEXT                                     Long Text
    Fill the table with “not assigned” in all relevant languages. e.g. “E”, “not assigned”,  “not assigned”
    This table needs to be joined as a union in SAP HANA to the corresponding master data view.
  3. The corresponding SID values to the master data values of the HANA views must be guaranteed. Depending on your scenario it might be possible to ensure it through the reference data selected. In this case the provider specific properties of all HANA view based info object in the virtual provider is not flagged as referential integer (flag 'Ref. Integrity (HANA) is empty) . If the reference data is read from a HANA view in the composite provider to on the output tab and make sure that the flag 'Referential Integrity' is not set for each InfoObject. In other cases the report RSPLS_CREATE_MISSING_SIDS or similar functionality have to be run frequently to ensure all possible values have corresponding SID values.
  4. See also referenced notes for corrections. We strongly recommend to use at least BW 7.4 SP9 due to larger notes prior SP9. 
  5. Known limitations are
    • Usage of navigational attributes on info objects based on HANA views in direct update DSO of type planning is not supported. They only work in real time cubes.

Header Data

Released On 04.08.2015 16:35:42
Release Status Released for Customer
Component BW-PLA-IP Integrated Planning
Priority Correction with medium priority
Category Consulting

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