Thursday, February 11, 2016

1906381 - SAP HANA SPS06: Network setup for external communication

You are experiencing slow database performance during distributed statements or are unable to distribute statements within your SAP HANA cluster appropriately.

Other Terms
HANA, DB, BW on HANA, Suite on HANA, statement routing, default route, hostnames, distributed statements

Reason and Prerequisites
You are running SAP HANA in any flavor on SLES 11 SP2 or SLES 11 for SAP SP2 on a Scale-out appliance on SAP HANA SPS06. During the execution of SQL statements which do access tables, partitions, or data being not located on the SAP HANA master node, you are experiencing performance degradations which you do not experience when executing the same SQL statement with the HANA studio being directly connected against the master node of the SAP HANA cluster.

With SAP HANA SP6 (starting with revision 60) the default behavior for internal/external hostname and IP address identification changed. Prior to SAP HANA SP6 the database client received a list of hostnames from the database  corresponding to the different HANA nodes within the scale-out cluster. The exact value of the delivered host names depends on the choosen configuration during installation: In case internal virtual host names have been assigned during the installation (which can differ from real physical host names and which is required for DT scenarios), those host names are being delivered. In case no dedicated internal virtual host names have been assigned during the installation, the real physical host names (without domoin) are being delivered (which are by the way then identical to the internal virtual host names). Depending on the overall setup, those hostnames might have caused issues with hostbased routing and workarounds were needed to provide a working solution. The new identification method relies on the default route and IP addresses configured on the nodes within the SAP HANA cluster. Therefore a correct configuration of the network setup is required.

The following sections provides you with a detailed specification of how to check the setup or configure it appropriately:
    1. Identify which mechanism is currently set within your SAP HANA cluster:
To identify the currently chosen mechanism you can check the value of parameter use_default_route in the global.ini file. The default HANA SPS06 setting is value 'IP'. In case other values are set or needed, they should be in compliance with the possible settings described in the SAP HANA Administration Guide available at (section Mapping Host Names for Database Client Access).

To verify your setting is effectively working, you can check the nameserver trace files of the respective HANA DB cluster for entries such as:

public hostname resolution: use default route as ip ->

in the case use_default_route = 'IP'


public hostname resolution: use internal hostname -> hana01int

when for example the setting use_default_route = 'no' is used.

The entry in the trace file actually shows the configured mechanism as well as the configured value. So there is acutally no additional lookup of effective values required as with be below mentioned SQL statement in the next section, which is primarily there to give the complete picture.
    2. Identify which hana hostname, ip address is propagated to the client and utilized for back-communication to the HANA database:

For the setting use_default_route = 'no', the propagated SAP HANA hostnames can individually be checked in the nameserver trace files (see section above) close to the display of the utilized mechanism. In addition to that, a complete overview of all propagated hostnames of the SAP HANA cluster can be retrieved with the following SQL statement:

select host, value from m_host_information where key='net_publicname'

For each host in the HANA cluster the propagated hostname can be found in the column value.

For the setting use_default_route = 'ip', the same as above holds true for propagated IP addresses. The nameserver trace contains the individual ip address - the provided SQL statement delivers ip addresses for each individual host.

What is more, for the setting use_default_route = 'ip' the IP address set on operating system level for the default route is propagated. The entire routing information plus the finally used ip address of the default route can be found in the daemon trace (entries with prefix network):

[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710657 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : routing table:
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710661 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond2 0 ipv4 up default
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710665 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710667 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond2 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710669 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond1 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710671 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710673 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710675 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710677 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710679 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710681 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710683 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : lo 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710684 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond3 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710686 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond4 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710688 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02210) : bond5 0 ipv4 up
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.710919 i Network          TrexDaemon.cpp(02223) : default IPv4 interface: bond2 (hana01u, hana01u.fqdn) ipv4 up broadcast running multicast
[60722]{-1}[-1/-1] 2013-09-03 06:58:27.711147 i Daemon           TrexDaemon.cpp(09985) : handling programs

If this needs to be checked on the operating system level (per host), this can easily be done via the following two commands:

gw_if=`ip route list match | awk '{print $5}'`
ip addr show dev ${gw_if}

Here an Example output where the default route is over bond2 with the ip

       Bond2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc          noqueue state UP
       link/ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
       inet brd XX.XX.XXX.XXX scope global bond2
       inet6 XXX::XXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Be aware that in a SAP HANA scale-out cluster this has to be done on each and every server within the cluster. Please also check if the interface / utilized network subnet is consistent on all nodes with the SAP HANA cluster.
    3. Verify that the hostnames or ip addresses can be reached from the SAP HANA client to ensure proper communication:

In order to have the communication from the SAP HANA client working properly (including SQL statement routing / distribution to dedicated SAP HANA host names / ip addresses) you need to ensure that the hostnames / ip addresses can be resolved and reached from the respective SAP HANA client.

Generally SAP recommends the default SAP HANA SPS06 setting - having use_default_route = 'ip' in combination with having the proper default route configured on operating system level side. In case you have the requirement of a more fine grain network configuration please check the SAP HANA Administration guide available at (section "Configuring the network for multiple hosts" and "Mapping host names for database client access").

Header Data

Released On 16.09.2013 13:32:29
Release Status Released for Customer
Component HAN-DB SAP HANA Database
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Customizing

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