You use SAP HANA Application Function Library (SAP HANA AFL) SPS 07
or below for the Supply & Operations Planning (S&OP)
application. The change to SAP HANA SPS 08 requires a one-off special
migration that is described below. For all subsequent upgrades (for
example, to later SPS 08 revisions and future SAP HANA Support Packages
(SPS9 and so on)), this migration is no longer required; you simply
carry out a normal upgrade as described in the corresponding SAP
Integrated Business Planning documentation (Inventory Planning and
Optimization) and in the SAP HANA server installations and update guide.
If you use SPS 07 Revision 74.01 or above, you must first check the possible upgrade paths in SAP Note 1948334.
Note that these migration steps apply only to Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) and not to other SAP-HANA-based applications.
If you use SPS 07 Revision 74.01 or above, you must first check the possible upgrade paths in SAP Note 1948334.
Note that these migration steps apply only to Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) and not to other SAP-HANA-based applications.
Other Terms
Product-specific AFL, SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA, SAP HANA AFL, SAP Sales and Operations Planning 3.0, S&OP 3.0
Reason and Prerequisites
The Application Function Library for S&OP (SOP AFL) is no longer
delivered as part of SAP HANA AFL as of SAP HANA SPS 08. Instead, it is
delivered as an individual AFL package (SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA). In
addition to this package, which contains the SOP AFL, you must import
the SAP HANA AFL package to make SAP HANA Predictive Analysis Library
(PAL) and the optimization function library (libo10n) available for
S&OP. PAL and libo10n are part of the SAP HANA AFL.
You must use at least Revision 81. The applies for the SAP HANA database and for SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA and SAP HANA AFL.
You must use at least Revision 81. The applies for the SAP HANA database and for SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA and SAP HANA AFL.
You must note that there is exactly one compatible SAP HANA database
revision for each SOP AFL revision or SAP HANA AFL revision. For
example, this means that you can use SOP AFL Revision 81 or SAP HANA AFL
Revision 81 only with SAP HANA database Revision 81.
Carry out the steps described below as the root user.
1. Download the latest SPS 08 SAP HANA database installation files from SAP Service Marketplace.
Carry out the steps described below as the root user.
1. Download the latest SPS 08 SAP HANA database installation files from SAP Service Marketplace.
To download the SAP HANA database from SAP Service Marketplace, use the following path:
-> Support Packages and Patches -> A - Z Index -> H -> SAP
HANA Platform Edit. 1.0 -> Entry by Component -> HANA Database
-> SAP HANA DATABASE 1.0 -> Linux on x86_64 64bit.
Download the SPS 08 installation files
"IMDBSERVER10081_0-10009569_P1.tar" and
"IMDBSERVER10081_0-10009569_P2.tar" to a download path chosen by
yourself (<download path>, for example /tmp/inst).
Execute the following command: tar -xM -f IMDBSERVER10081_0-10009569_P1.tar -f IMDBSERVER10081_0-10009569_P2.tar
Unpack the SAR archive just generated as follows: SAPCAR -xvf IMDB_SERVER100_81_0.SAR
2. Uninstall the SAP HANA AFL of the existing SAP HANA database SPS
07 or below. Note that the database content for S&OP is retained.
Go to the directory "<download path>/SAP_HANA_DATABASE".
Execute the following command there: ./hdbuninst -b --path=/<installation path>/<SID>/exe/linuxx86_64/plugins/<afl-path>
You can determine the AFL path directly
at "/<installation path>/<SID>/exe/linuxx86_64/plugins".
This path consists of several version numbers.
For example: afl_1.
3. Upgrade the SAP HANA database to SPS 08.For example: afl_1.
Go to the directory "<download path>/SAP_HANA_DATABASE" and call the installation software there as follows: ./hdblcm --action=update --sid=<SID> --hdbupd_server_nostart
Follow the installation instructions.
Note: Following a successful installation, the SAP HANA database is deliberately still in offline mode.
4. Install SOP AFL.
Go to the following page on SAP Service Marketplace: --> Support Packages and Patches --> A - Z Index --> S --> SAP S&OP --> SAP S&OP 3.0 --> Comprised Software Component Versions --> SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA 1.0 --> Linux SUSE on x86_64 64bit --> Support Packages and Patches --> A - Z Index --> S --> SAP S&OP --> SAP S&OP 3.0 --> Comprised Software Component Versions --> SAP SOP AFL FOR SAP HANA 1.0 --> Linux SUSE on x86_64 64bit
Download the latest installation file of the SOP AFL Revision 81 IMDB_SOPAFL100_81_<patch level>-20012416.SAR to the directory of your choice (<downwload path>).
Use the following command to unpack the file: SAPCAR -xvf IMDB_SOPAFL100_81_<patch level>-20012416.SAR
Go to the directory <download path>/SAP_HANA_DATABASE and call the installation software there with the following command:
./hdblcm --action=update --component_dirs=/<download path>/SAP_SOP_AFL_FOR_HANA --sid=<SID> --hdbinst_plugin_nostart
./hdblcm --action=update --component_dirs=/<download path>/SAP_SOP_AFL_FOR_HANA --sid=<SID> --hdbinst_plugin_nostart
Follow the installation instructions.
Note: Following a successful installation, the SAP HANA database is deliberately still in offline mode.
5. Install SAP HANA AFL.
Go to the following page on SAP Service Marketplace: --> Support Packages and Patches --> A - Z Index --> H --> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION --> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDIT. 1.0 --> Entry by Component --> HANA AFL --> SAP HANA AFL 1.0 --> Linux on x86_64 64bit --> Support Packages and Patches --> A - Z Index --> H --> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDITION --> SAP HANA PLATFORM EDIT. 1.0 --> Entry by Component --> HANA AFL --> SAP HANA AFL 1.0 --> Linux on x86_64 64bit
Download the latest installation file of the HANA AFL Revision 81 IMDB_AFL100_81_<patch level>-10012328.SAR to the directory of your choice (<downwload path>).
Go to the directory "<download path>/SAP_HANA_DATABASE" and call the installation software there as follows: ./hdblcm --action=update --component_dirs=/<download path>/SAP_HANA_AFL --sid=<SID>
Follow the installation instructions.
After SAP HANA AFL has been installed successfully, the database is in online mode. A restart of the database is not necessary.
Header Data
Released On | 12.08.2014 07:07:04 |
Release Status | Released for Customer |
Component | HAN-DB-AFL-SOP SAP HANA Sales & Operations Planning |
Priority | Correction with high priority |
Category | Special development |
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