Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1995791 - HLM: Updating SAP HANA – Troubleshooting

This note contains troubleshooting information for the SAP HANA update with SAP HANA lifecycle Manager

Other Terms
troubleshooting, HLM troubleshooting, SAP HANA lifecycle manager, HLM, SAP HANA update and configuration, SAP HANA DB, SAP HANA Database, SAP Host Agent, NewDB, in-memory database, Hybrid database, update, installation

Reason and Prerequisites
You are using the SAP HANA platform including the SAP HANA database.
SAP HANA update can be performed with SAP HANA lifecycle manager. The required versions are:
SPS 06, patch level 5 and higher
SPS 07, patch level 0 and higher

This is a list of known issues during HANA update

Issue: During update of the SAP HANA database you get an error "Import of delivery units failed. Connect failed: Connect failed (code = 4321): only secure connections are allowed"
Validity: The SAP HANA database is configured to enforce SSL connections (the parameter SSLEnforce in global.ini is set), but the hdb tools prior to SPS10 do not support secure connections
Solution: Turn off the SSL connection enforcement and resume the update with HLM. After the update has finished you can switch back the SSL enforcement

Issue: Update prerequisites for component are not fulfilled. Component with version 1.00.0xx.00 does not match required version 1.00.yy.00.
Validity: You have installed SP08 system. In addition you have installed product specific AFL component. You want to update the system via HLM.
Solution: HLM doen't provide scenario to update HDB Server and product specific AFL component in one step. You have to use the tool hdblcm - for more information see Note 1997526

Issue: HLM ui cannot be opened and the following directory is empty: /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM 
Validity: reason is: sidadm wrong environment
as sidadm user execute the command:
which ls
the expected result should be: /bin/ls
Solution: 1) as sidadm user execute the following Linux commands:
export PATH=/bin:$PATH
2) as sidadm user execute the following Linux commands:
cd /
find -name 'ls'
if an empty file with name "ls" is found
delete this file and try again

Issue: SAP Host Agent log /usr/sap/hostctrl/work/sapstartsrv.log contains the following error:
[Thr 139952936925024] *** ERROR => secudessl_Create_SSL_CTX(): PSE "/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sec/SAPSSLS.pse": File not found! [ssslsecu_mt. 1793]
[Thr 139952936925024] secudessl_Create_SSL_CTX: SSL_CTX_set_default_pse_by_name() failed --
[Thr 139952936925024] secude_error 4129 (0x00001021) = "SAPCRYPTO API error"
[Thr 139952936925024] >> ---------- Begin of Secude-SSL Errorstack ---------- >>
[Thr 139952936925024] 0x00001021 | SAPCRYPTOLIB | SSL_CTX_set_default_pse_by_name
[Thr 139952936925024] SAPCRYPTO API error
[Thr 139952936925024] The PSE file does not exist.
Validity: HLM <-> SHA communication
Solution: new installation of HLM will solve the problem. the steps are:
Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
Stop the Studio
Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/ –f
Check that there are no any left HLM processes
Rename the existing directories:
/<hana shared>/<SID>/HLM/
go to and search for SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager
download HLM SP7 patch 12 and copy to a temporary directory 
unpack in a temporary directory

As root user, from the temporary directory execute:

Issue: Caused by: Command execution failed. : Failed to execute 'ls': Permission denied
Validity: empty ls file on the file system
Solution: as sidadm user execute the following Linux commands:
cd /
find -name 'ls'
if an empty file with name "ls" is found
delete this file and try again

Issue: Add HANA System failed with the following error: SAP Host Agent operation hlm_config_list_add_system_log_files failed
description=check that script is owned by root
description=verify sid
Checking SID...
description=check that the executable is owned by root
description=List log files after installation
Checking file /usr/sap/<SID>/setup ...
The actual file path is /usr/sap/<SID>/setup
find: `/usr/sap/<SID>': No such file or directory
Validity: HANA DVD is mounted as <sid>adm user instead of root
Solution: Scenario is: Add HANA system
SAP HANA DVD should be owned by the root user.
Please mount or copy the DVD as root and to try again.

Issue: Execution of subtask "Install SAP HANA system" failed with message: " Execution of operation hlm_config_install_hana failed. Exit code of the operation is 126."
or Execution of operation hlm_config_install_hana failed. Exit code of the operation is 13
Validity: missing "execute" rights of the scripts
If you copy this DVD from a windows share some of the execure rights can be lost.
Solution: be sure that:
your DVD is setup as expected with the right owner and with the right permissions. If you copy this DVD from a windows share some of the execure rights can be lost.
other option is to grant permissions to all directories and files in your local dvd copy:
chmod -R 0755 /<local copy of the DVD>

Issue: Cannot resume broken upgrade of 'HAN': wrong version ( SAP HANA Database installation kit '' required
Validity: there was a file /usr/sap/HAN.hdbupgrade dated last year which was used when the database was upgraded to REL 60. It appears that the previous upgrade was still in a "hung" state which causes the error message below (SAP HANA Database installation kit '' required)
during the manual update as well as using HLM.
Solution: the solution is to mv the file to HAN.hdbupgrade.old and resume the update. Once resumed a new file HAN.hdbupgrade with recent date will be generated.

Issue: Could not detect hdb revision requirements Caused by: /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/BWP/HLM/ (No such file or directory)
Validity: old HLM
Solution: As SLD registration is not started yet, this error appeared in the very beginning then you can do a completely new HLM installation with the latest HLM SP07 patch 5 or higher.

Issue: Error Message: Execution of 'Update from single SP' failed. Detailed Message: Could not update software component(s),,, on host <host name>. Exactly one component is expected. Zero or more than one component is provided. Scenario is Apply Single Support Packages
Validity: more then one equal archives are provided but with different names. Fix will be available in HLM SP07 patch 6 or higher.
Solution: You have to remove redundant components. HLM will expect only one archive with a particular version.
Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
Stop the Studio
Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/ #f
Check that there are no any left HLM processes
Go to
and rename all files except and don't rename
go to directory:
and rename directory persistence
go to inbox directory and be sure that there is only one client archive in the inbox. All other client archives should be removed. Then resume the update.

Issue: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of a null object loaded from local variable 'product'
Validity: HLM
Solution: This is known issue which is fixed in HLM SP07 patch 5 or higher.
As workaround you can do:
in HLM ui do you have available button "Cancel"?
if yes can you press
if not execute:
Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
Stop the Studio
Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/ -f
go to directory:
/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/param and rename all files except
rename /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/persistence

Issue: Command execution failed. : Failed to execute 'test': No such file or directory
Validity: HLM
Solution: Please check the following:
1. confirm that you have executable /usr/bin/test
2. check if /usr/bin/ is part of PATH:
echo $PATH
I expect that it is not - please add /usr/bin/ to PATH
3. as root restart SAP Host Agent
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -restart
If test executable is not installed as part of Linux OS then there are two options:
1. install test in /usr/bin/ and be sure that /usr/bin/ is part of PATH and as root restart SAP Host Agent /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec -restart
2. if not possible to install test executable then apply the following workaround:
Create the following executable file /usr/bin/test
Add the following 2 rows as content:
exit 0

Issue: Caused by: Operation not defined: update-newdb-server-v3 could be for any confuguration, not only for update-newdb-server-v3 and in HLM log there is info that deployment of SHA configuration is skipped: INFO 2013-11-10 09:23:24 Process message: SAP Host Agent configurations are already deployed on host <host name>. Skip deployment.
Validity: HLM resume
Solution: Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
Stop the Studio
Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/ -f
Go to directory:
/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/param and rename all files except
Go to file:
/<hana shared>/<SID>/HLM/param/
and check that it is empty:
#keep the file empty. The idea is the file to be wiped out each time after self update in order to force SHA configuration re-deploy
Open LCM perspective - it will start HLM automatically

Issue: Detailed Message: Provided user id and system number does not match. SYSNR_DOES_NOT_MATCH_USER_ID
Validity: HLM Execution of 'Detects available single support packages'
Solution: 1. check if S-user is used with capital 'S', and not with 's'
2. move the ticket in XX-SER-SAPSMP-SYS

Issue: SHA lower than version 170 contains wrong SAPCAR and there is a problem with deployment of the SHA configurations
Validity: HLM
Solution: we have to advice them to use SHA version 170. if update is already failed, HLM has to be reset:
Stop all browsers that have HLM pages open
Stop the Studio
Execute /usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/ -f
Go to directory:
/usr/sap/hlm_bootstraps/<SID>/HLM/param and rename all files except
Open LCM perspective - it will start HLM automatically

Header Data
Released On 18.06.2015 12:31:32
Release Status Released for Customer
Component HAN-LM-PLT SAP HANA Platform Lifecycle Management
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Installation information

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