Wednesday, February 3, 2016

2074788 - Patch strategy for SAP HANA-integrated liveCaches in SCM 7.0

You use the APO application in the SAP SCM Business Suite with a HANA-integrated liveCache and want to find out which SAP HANA version you need and how liveCache corrections are provided.

Other Terms
liveCache, LCAPPS, LCA build, SAP HANA, plug-in

Reason and Prerequisites
You use SCM 7.0 with a HANA-integrated liveCache. See SAP Note 2074787 for the patch strategy for the MaxDB-based liveCache.

For the integration of the liveCache into the SAP HANA database, we provide the plug-in for downloading from the SAP Support Portal. These liveCache plug-ins (or LCAPPS plug-ins) are assigned the same revision number as the corresponding SAP HANA revision and the same or a higher patch level.
For each SAP HANA revision, we always provide only the latest patches for the SAP HANA database and for the LCAPPS plug-in. With the release of a new patch, the older patches are removed from the Support Portal.
Patch dependency between HANA and the liveCache plug-in
If you want to import a new patch for the SAP HANA database, you must always install the latest patch of the LCAPPS plug-in also. Older LCAPPS plug-ins are not compatible with newer HANA patch levels.
If you want to import a newer patch of the LCAPPS plug-in, you usually also have to install the latest patch of the SAP HANA revision, as newer LCAPPS plug-ins are not usually compatible with older HANA patches. Only occasionally are LCAPPS plug-ins based on the same patch level of the SAP HANA database. In these cases, the new plug-in can be installed without updating the HANA database, but a restart of the SAP HANA database is necessary.
For the installation of the LCAPPS plug-in, see SAP Note 2037585.
Version numbers of the liveCache build
An LCAPPS plug-in contains a liveCache build, with database procedures (liveCache procedures) that provide the functions required by the APO application. The liveCache build has a version number that depends on both SCM and on HANA, and is comprised of a release number, a build number, and a patch level. For HANA-integrated liveCache builds for SCM, the release number is always 10.0 (or, for short : 100). The version number of the liveCache is contained in the patch text of the LCAPPS plug-in.
Newer liveCache builds are downward compatible with the APO application, which means they can also be used with older SCM Support Packages. Therefore, we recommend that you always use the correct LCAPPS plug-in for an upgrade or new installation of the latest SAP HANA revision.
Patch strategy for the liveCache
In general, we only publish new liveCache builds for the latest SAP HANA revision available. We only provide liveCache corrections for older HANA revisions in the case of errors that could affect numerous customers or that present a serious risk to stability of the liveCache or of SAP HANA.
If we need to provide a suitable LCAPPS plug-in for the SAP HANA database, the following applies:
  • When a new SAP HANA revision or patch is released for the latest SAP HANA revision, the relevant LCAPPS plug-in contains the latest liveCache build available. This also includes all previously delivered patches.
  • If a patch is released for a lower SAP HANA revision, the relevant LCAPPS plug-in is also assigned a new (plug-in) patch level, but usually contains the same liveCache build as before.
Version Matrix
An overview of the liveCache plug-ins for HANA that are provided for in the SAP Support Portal for SCM 7.0 is available in SAP Note 2074843. There, you can find out:
  • the minimum liveCache build that is required for an SCM Support Package.
  • which liveCache build is contained in an LCAPPS plug-in
If you need to carry out a liveCache upgrade in order to import an SCM Support Package, we recommend that you always use the latest SAP HANA revision with the latest LCAPPS plug-in.
You can only skip the step of carrying out an upgrade of HANA and the LCAPPS plug-in when you import a newer Support Package if you already use a newer liveCache build that fulfills the minimum requirement for the SCM Support Package, for example because of an error correction.

Header Data

Released On 01.04.2015 10:55:52
Release Status Released for Customer
Component HAN-DB-LVC SAP HANA integrated liveCache
Other Components
BC-DB-LCA liveCache Applications
Priority Correction with medium priority
Category Consulting

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