Wednesday, February 3, 2016

1785797 - SAP HANA Database Data Export

You are asked to export data from your HANA Database

Other Terms
HANA, support, provide data, export

Reason and Prerequisites
SAP HANA Development Support requires data to reproduce an issue

Please connect to your HANA Database via HANA Studio. The user needs the system privilege "EXPORT" and the SQL Privilege "SELECT". There are two options to export the data:
    1. You can use SQL statements:
  • EXPORT <schema_name>.<table_name> AS BINARY INTO '/<from_database_server_accessible_folder>'
  • EXPORT <schema_name>.<table_name> AS CSV INTO '/<from_database_server_accessible_folder>'
              <table_name> can be also replaced by <view_name> to export a view. The export of a view includes all underlying views and tables.
              It is recommended to export "AS BINARY" to keep the size of exported data small.
    2. You can export tables and views using the GUI of the Studio. Please see the attached document for a step by step instruction.
    3. Compress the exported data. If the compressed file is larger than 2GB, it could be split with the following command:
    split -b 2147483648 index.tar.gz index_Part_
    4. Run a checksum command for all the split parts with the command:
    cksum index_Part_<part_name>
    5. Save the console output of the checksum and attach it into the message. This information is useful when there are corrupted parts during the file transfer. Only the part that does not have the same checksum value would need to be transferred again.
    6. Please request SAP Mobile Document containers to upload your data. Each SAP Mobile Document container currently has a maximum file size of 2GB. You could upload mulitple 2GB files into the same SAP Mobile Document container.

More detailed information about the export using SQL can be found in the SAP HANA Database - SQL Reference Manual (

Header Data

Released On 29.01.2015 19:55:28
Release Status Released for Customer
Component HAN-DB SAP HANA Database
Other Components
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category FAQ

1 comment:

  1. ------> split -b 2147483648 index.tar.gz index_Part_

    Can some one explain me this command...

    I have a exported file as "xyz.CSV" of size 7GB after compression...

    I want to split this file in to 4 equal sized files...

    So can I use this command to split the file & later on after manipulations can I combine them as single file.

    can some one explain me the use of this command...

    Thanks in Advance..
