Thursday, February 4, 2016

2121474 - Building custom Application Function Libaries for production SAP HANA deployment

As an SAP Partner, you have succesfully developed a custom application function library for SAP HANA using the Application Function Library SDK for SAP HANA (SAP HANA AFL SDK, see SAP Note 2018941) and now you want to prepare that for deployment into an SAP HANA customer envrionment, you require to request an AFL area name, package name and GUID for production deployment checking from SAP.
Note, for any intial development effort building a test AFL, this process is NOT required. Instead, test AFLs can be build as part of the INTRO example (packagename INTRO, area name INTRO_AFL), like the example AFL libaflintro referenced in the documentation “Guidelines for using the AFL SDK for SAP HANA” and the AFL SDK download.

Other Terms
SAP HANA Application Function Library Software Development Kit,

Reason and Prerequisites
You are an SAP Partner owning the appropriate SAP Partner HANA Developer licence package and have successfully developed and thoroughly tested a custom application function library with the SAP HANA AFL SDK, which you want to prepare for production deployment in SAP HANA customer envrionments.

  1. Define a library-, package- and area name according to the following naming conventions:
Names must be no longer than 32 characters (allowed are alphabetic characters in upper case only, numbers and the “underscore” character <_>).
The library name allows only lower case characters. The area name can be regarded as a namespace for multiple afl packages.

Please note, SAP will validate requested names and reserves the right to suggest alternative names.
   2. Request a GUID contacting SAP customer support using the component HAN-DB-AFL and specifiy the following information:
Subject: GUID Request for SAP HANA AFL SDK
We are an SAP Partner, with the appropriate SAP Partner HANA Developer licence package and have successfully developed and thoroughly tested a our application function library using the SAP HANA AFL SDK and now want to request a GUID, so we can prepare our AFL for production deployment in SAP HANA customer envrionments.

Required Partner Contact Details
SAP Partner Company Name:
SAP Customer Number
Partner Country
Partner City and Zip Code
Partner Street
Partner Central Phone
Partner Email
Partner Web Adress
Contact Person Name
Contact Partner Phone
Contact Person Email
Development Guideline confirmation:
Yes we confirm that we have developed a custom SAP HANA AFL following the guidelines detailed out in the documentation “Guidelines for using the AFL SDK for HANA”, specifically the technical restrictions and recommendations chapter.
      Requested Names:
      Library Name:          (e.g. libaflintro) [must include package name]
      Package Name:         (e.g. INTRO)
      Area Name:              (e.g. INTRO_AFL)
Certification Interest for the custom application function library.
      SAP plans to offer a certification for custom build AFLs.
      Yes we have interest in participating in the certification of our custom developed AFLs by the SAP  Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC) and may be contacted on this.

Header Data

Released On 30.01.2015 15:29:09
Release Status Released for Customer
Component HAN-DB-AFL Please use subcomponents, see SAP Note 2198403
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Customizing

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